Introductory Kayak Course
Duration: 3 hours
Price: 1490 kr
Student: 1070 kr
Place: Lysaker (Sollerudstranden)
Time/place: See list below
Age minimum: 15 år
🔹 Wet card (see information under)
🔹 We have all the equipment you need
🔹 Parkering. Possible at site
🔹 10 min bike ride from Oslo City
🔹 Videos, good for self practice after the course

Our intro courses
We follow the wet card ladder of the kayak federation. This card gives you the chance to rent kayaks.
Easy to register
Just click "Påmelding" for the time that suits you. Fill out the form.
See you at the Lysaker beach for a memorable trip!
Course program

Part 1: On land
🔹 Introduction to sea kayaking
🔹 Paddle technique on the green

Part 2: On shallow water
🔹 Kayaks to the sea
🔹 Learn how to get in and out of the kayak
🔹 Learn the bracing paddle
🔹 Work together in pairs

Part 3: At sea
🔹 Learn forward and backward paddling
🔹 Learn comrade resque / how to enter the kayak from sea
🔹 Practice secure paddling
For who?
Everyone who like to learn sea kayaking and become secure in water
Course goal
Become a secure paddler at sea.
Binding registration, but you can change up until 10 days before.
5 minutes walk from Lysaker station, see map below.
Where to meet - Sollerudstranden i Oslo
Sollerudstranden is just 10 minutes bike ride from the city centre. Follow along the bike path along the shore. If you come by car there is parking at site. By public transport walk 5 min from Lysaker station (one of Oslo city's main train stations).
Adress: Drammensveien 282, 0283 Oslo. Google maps-kode: 59.912990, 10.647291
We meet at the south east cornerof the big buiding at the beach.
Our instructors
All instructors are experienced and enthusiasts for this sport and recreation.

The very popular instructor is also the Health and Security manager in our company. Finn teaches almost every day in the peak season.

Former jr World Champion cross country skier, Siri has become an enthusiast and a very experienced instructor.

Truls lives most of the year as a kayak instructor and guide. In Oslo in the summer and in Antarktis in the winter.