Learn2Kayak -Ā Terms and conditions



Privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of personal information. Our privacy statement provides detailed information about the personal data collected, how it is collected, and your rights if personal data about you is registered with us. Read more here.

Number of Participants

The minimum number of participants is 6. In the rare cases where there are fewer than 6 participants, those registered will be offered a new course and can choose from all available courses (and trips).

Skill Level and Age - Course or Private Lesson?

At Learn2Kayak, we are dedicated to teaching you safe kayaking so you can navigate the waters safely. Therefore, safety is a key focus in our courses. Our instructors will always consider everyone in the group. If you have specific health challenges that require extra attention, we recommend taking private lessons before enrolling in a course. There is no requirement to know how to swim. Participants under 15 years old can take courses as private lessons.

In Case of Illness

If you are ill and provide us with a doctor's certificate, you will be given the opportunity to join a later course where there is availability. It is important that you inform us as soon as you are ill and submit the doctor's certificate. It is not possible to claim illness and request a new course or refund the course fee.

In Case of Bad Weather - We Have a Course Guarantee

If the weather conditions are too poor/dangerous (lightning, thunder, strong offshore wind, etc.), it is not safe to hold the course. In such cases, we will reschedule the course to a later date, preferably the same day of the week and time, usually one week ahead. It is possible to switch to another course/time if preferred.


Learn2Kayak is not responsible for any injuries that occur during the courses. For injuries before the course, the rules for course changes, described below, apply.

Course Changes

It is possible to change courses up to one week before the course starts. Send an email to [email protected] with your name, the date for the course you wish to switch from and to (within the same season). It is free to change courses. We do not have a refund policy for course fees, only course changes.


Companies wishing to postpone an agreed course can also do so one week before the course starts. The invoice received after booking the course is to be paid in the usual manner and by the specified deadline. It is not possible to cancel the course after it has been booked and not pay for the course.

Course overview