Beginner course Cross country skiing
Duration: 2 days of 1,5 hours
Group size: 4-8
Price: 1900 kr (student: 1500 kr)
Time/Place: See below
Course program: See below
Ski rental: See link below
Language: English and Norwegian
For who?
This is the beginner course for real beginners, or if you just have tried 0-5 times.
Learn so much - that you can start exploring this sport by yourself from then on
Binding registration, but you can change date until 10 days before. Read more
Ski rental
In Oslo, you can rent skis etc at the Tryvann skisenter, near the Frognerseteren course area. Link.
Course overview
Easy to register
Just click "PÄmelding" for the time that you want, and fill out the form that opens. (The form and the course is in English). You pay when you book the course.
Your place is guaranteed. Fill out the form, and we see you for a memorable experience and we will teach you to ski!
NB: If the times for our courses does not fit your schedule, you can consider booking a private lesson. We recommend a course, as you learn from other's similar challenges, but private lesson is a good alternative.

- Diagonal skiing. The technique for flat and slight uphill
- Snow plow. The technique for slowing down when skiing downhill
- Break
- Fish bone. The techinque for going steep uphill
- In and out of the track
- Double poling. The techique for flat and slight downhill
- How to behave as a skier in the woods of Norway
- The course is taught in English
Learn2Skis Siri Halle sings her ski song to invite pakistani to ski
This song Siri halle wrote while living in PakistanD working at the embassy. She wanted to invite the Norwegian Pakistani to ski, as this was something she felt important for the better life in Norway.
She had no idea then (in 2007) that she was gonna start her own ski school. It was just a fun project while living in Pakistan :)
Course places

Oslo - Frognerseteren
Google Maps code:Â 59.976828, 10.678752.
By car. Drive pass the Holmenkollen ski jump. Take right at Frognerseteren. Find a parking and ask for the Hefty-villa. It is the big house in the group of old houses. We meet on the southern corner of the house.
Public transportation. Take the T-bane (subway) to the final destination, which is Frognerseteren. Walk down the trail toward the big Frognerseteren Restaurant. Walk 70 meter more down and you see the big house where we meet. See the picture.

Oslo -Â Skullerud
The address: General Ruges vei 106, 0694 Oslo.
Beware that Google Maps will bring you to the school instead, so rather use the kode:Â
Google Maps kode: 59.864597, 10.845819.
From the parking walk 80 meter toward the track. We meet just there. See picture.
Her er link til web-camera fra stadion.

The address: Jarlsbergveien 121, 3032 Drammen
From StrĂžmsĂž, follow Konnerudgate up to Konnerud. At Circle K station take right on the Gramsborgveien. At roundabout take 3rd road to Jarlsbergveien to Sletta. At Sletta, look for the Club House. We meet at the track, right behind the club house.

Trondheim -Â Nilsbyen
The address: Overlege Bratts veg 40, 7026 Trondheim
Vi mÞtes ved mÄlhuset pÄ Nilsbyen skianlegg.
For veibeskrivelse fra Trondheim sentrum, se her.
Other course places
We have private lessons at most of our course places.
In Oslo our ski courses are held mostly at Frognerseteren. See description above for how to get there.
Ski rental
3 minutes driving (20 minutes walk) from Frognerseteren (our main course place) you can rent skis, poles and boots link.
NB: Remember to ask for cross country skiing equipment!Â
Places to stay