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If snow shortage - Warranty
We arrange courses where there are good snow conditions, but should there prove to be too little snow for us to keep a good course, then we move the course to a snow safe place (the reserve arena) within 40 min drive from the set place.
The reserve arenas are known to have snow even the "green" winters. If there is also no snow at the reserve location: Then we postpone the course ahead of time - though to the same weekday and time, usually 1 or 2 weeks ahead.
If you live abroad, or for other reasons cannot attend on the new scheculed time, tell us within a couple of days and you can use your course freely another time withn 2 years.
The number of participants
The maximum number of each course group is 8 participants. The minimum number is 4 participants. In the few cases where there are only 1-2 participants we must find a new course for you and if there are three registered there will be 2 hours course. In the latter case, we want to make sure that there will be a full course yield as follow-up is closer. Weekend rate corresponding.
Course participants bring their own equipment unless otherwise agreed. Bring clothes well. Some of the time we stay standing while the instructor shows, so bring an extra jacket. If it is colder than -10 degrees then we recommend mittens, steaks or ear heaters over the ears and boot coverings.
In case of illness
If you are ill and do not have the opportunity to attend a course night, a course day or a weekend, we can give you 2 weeks of access to a thorough video review of the technique (s) you may be losing. Then you send us an e-mail with sick leave and information about which course night (s) / course day (s) you lost, and we will arrange access. There is no opportunity to request a new course, refund or "jump into" another ongoing course due to your own illness.
Learn2ski is not responsible for any damage or injuries that may occur on the courses.
We have a lower cold limit of -20 degrees. All participants are very moving and it is perfectly justifiable to keep the course down to -20. When it is colder than -10 degrees we recommend mittens, buff / ear heaters, good with clothes and boots. If you do not have boots, you can make holes in the front of a pair of old rucksacks. If it should be colder than -20 degrees we will cancel that course evening and find a new time.
Change courses
It is possible to change courses up to ten days before the course starts. Then send an email to [email protected] with the name, time and place you want to change from time to time. It is free to change courses. We do not have any arrangements for repayment of course fees, only exchange of courses.
Companies wishing to postpone the agreed course also have the opportunity to do so one week before the course starts. The invoice received after ordering the course is paid in the usual way and at the set deadline. It is not possible to cancel the course after it has been ordered and not pay for the course.
Course levels
Course levels 2-3 in classical and 1-2 in skating are combined if at least one of the courses has too few participants at the expiry of the registration deadline. This applies only to these level combinations, since the course program is the same and what is taken together in the group is the same. During the exercises, everyone will receive feedback tailored to the individual.
You will find directions to the ski resorts, as well as the reserve arenas here (see course locations in the menu). You have a duty to find out where the meeting place is. Directions that are not yet ready are posted well in advance of the course start.
For beginner courses you find the discription of the places and how to get there on the website course itself too.

Tips for ski waxing
On the directions page, we will try to post waxing tips for the courses, around the different course locations. This is not part of the course content and is intended as an extra service that we would very much like to provide, but not always enough to obtain on time. Of course, we dare not promise that the butter tip gives perfect skis.

Gift Cards
Gift cards last for 2 years, since the season is relatively short and some snow uncertainty. If there is an annual adjustment of the course fee, there will be a small gap. The gift card can be used for courses in other of our sports too, if you want to change.


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